To Write Or Not To Write
Disclaimer: This article was first penned down in my diary and has then made its way to the blog (Not getting any of it? Read the blog, You'll know what I'm saying).
I think its takes a lot to get inspired. Take me for instance, I've been thinking about a topic for my new article for days now, without luck. I tried to listen to soothing music, walking down the streets alone watching people, sitting alone in the small bakery cum restaurant- sipping tea; but nothing really striking happens (Moments of EUREKA are confined to the lucky lot, I guess).
Last night I even bought myself a new notepad with a fancy pen (*chuckles*)- not that it helps, mind you. However, as I returned home with my new found treasure, I thought, even in the age of laptops and typewriters, I find writing much more convenient (not to mention, I love my handwriting). The general lot in today's generation might be inclined towards typing- easy to write, easy to erase; but I beg to differ. I think holding a Parker in your hand and seeing the ink form into words on plain paper gives a satisfaction which machine cannot provide. But in this fast changing world, where all classrooms allow laptops, writing is a lost art. Soon there will be a time when 'Handwriting Recognition' will be obsolete, for there will be no handwriting to judge.
For those who hated learning Cursive, its a relief I reckon. Others can just sit around and watch their 'A's' turn to 'R's'. Not that I am against technology, no sir, I'm merely stating the implications of not having the joy to be able to do Good Old Manual Labour.
And to think I'm saying all this being in an IT Industry where every technology is in a race with themselves to develop another new technology. But who could value water more than someone who's been wandering in a desert eh?