The guy in me

As a child all of us have been asked to write essays which went like- 'If I were the President' or 'If I were a scientist'; which were perceived with little enthusiasm among the 8th or 9th graders. And this happens round about the time we start having major crushes on someone and the concept of flirting is induced into out lives. Being a girl, I can say what we would look for in a guy (which over the period of time, changes from dashing looks to interesting personality) but more than that, we would know just how we'd want to be treated.

So I say, today I'd be writing an essay on 'If I were a guy'. The below statements hold true for girl friends, wives, sisters and mothers.

-If I were a guy, I would not criticize or poke fun at a girl publicly (yes that includes making remarks about her dress, make-up, hair or any other visible accessory).

-I would actually try to pay attention to what she is saying (rather than thinking about other girls or wondering what the score is).

-I would offer to carry her bags and commute the distance with her to make sure she reaches home safe.

-When I like something she has cooked or the way she is looking, I would pay her a compliment rather than making snide remarks or saying what else could have been better.

-I would make an effort to remember the important dates like her birthday or the day we first met.

-Whenever I am angry at her for something, I will mentally list out my flaws and think why she still puts up with me (I am not a perfect guy, she is allowed to be imperfect too!).

-Instead of making rules and saying 'I know it better', I will listen to her and try to understand her point of view and concerns and gently explain her my take on the situation.

-Whenever she is scared of doing something new, I will be supportive and hold her hand and say, 'I know you can' (as opposed to being rude, or worse, indifferent).

-Some days, without asking, I would make tea/ breakfast/ lemonade for others.

-I would offer my seat to an elder or a girl in public transport.

-I will never 'expect' her to do 'my' laundry, make 'my' meals, clean 'my' room or be available whenever 'I' want her. But when she does, I will remember to be grateful.

-I am allowed to have friends and so is she. If I can go on night-outs and trips, so can she.

-Some days without an occasion, I would bring home chocolates, balloons, flowers or gifts.

-I would be patient with her while shopping because I know she is patient with me when I am watching a match or selecting a gadget from the store.

-When she is in a bad mood, I will not further infuriate her by getting on her nerves (if I can't make it better, I shouldn't make it worse).

-Once in 2 months, I will try to do all the household chores she does. 

-I know talking serious is tough, but I would try to communicate my feelings candidly to her (she is not a zombie, she is not going to eat me alive!)

I could make a longer list but I've decided to take a break. If you people have anything to say, discuss.
