Obsessive Compulsive World

Is it okay to be upset over trivial things? Things like the way you squeeze out tooth paste from the tube or the slightly tilted angle at which you keep the photo frame or the position of the kitchen magnets on your fridge (remind of Monica, anyone?).

I know people whose whole day is spoilt if they are defeated at a board game (my friend takes ‘Monopoly’ very seriously) or someone who can’t go to sleep if the chairs are not in the ‘right’ position (Alright! This is me) or folks who think no one is correct but them.

Broadly, I feel almost everyone can be categorized in one of the three categories (I said ALMOST). The worst of the lot- the ‘I’m right, each time’ guys. Sometimes, I am amazed at their over- confidence but most of the times I wonder if they know how good their sense of humor is.

I’m always right. I thought I was wrong once but that was a mistake.” (Read somewhere on the internet).

Admitting a mistake is not their forte. Neither is listening to anyone else’s opinion, let alone consider it. And they are so full of hatred for the person who offers an advise (how dare they!). I guess this is more and more starting to sound like Dilbert’s boss. But don’t we all know someone who possesses a striking likeness to the character (if you are one of them, buddy I am still wondering at your sense of humor).

Compared to that people who get hyper on losing in ludo/ cards/ snakes and ladders don’t sound so bad. They just need more time at losing… I mean, handling losing to someone. And guys with OCD like mine who get all freaked out at the improper arrangement of their combs and brushes (Yes, plural) need to learn to breathe more (we all breathe, I know that… you know what I mean).

And the rest of you chilled out folks- you are mankind’s last hope!

To the ‘Mr/ Miss Always Right’- I didn’t say nothin’.
