How bad is BAD?
Life can only take you down so many times. Someone rightly said- “You never realize how strong You are until being strong is the only choice you have.”
Haven’t we all either lost someone, lost something or have been battered in love or by time. Has it made us a better person? It has certainly made us cautious, less trusting, less gullible.
Is it a good thing? Probably yes. To guard ourselves from another lie, to shield ourselves from another deception, to save ourselves from another heartbreak. We have become cynical and this is what we call- wising up with age. But isn't there always the element of surprise.
That one moment, that one person, who brings our guards down; only to cheat us again.
And we start questioning ourselves- are we really as clever as we think we are?
But despite all this- you might notice- the pain, the hurt doesn't go down, but our endurance goes up. We become more resilient with age, with each experience.
Everybody is born with a set number of tears. Once you've used them up, you’ll know. Certain people and events might still affect you but you won’t cry about everything. Not as much as you used to anyway. And every time some other bad experience hits you it’ll feel like the lowest and darkest time of your life.
Life, my dear friend, has a cruel sense of humour. The day you feel- this is the worst I could be through, life gets you up; only to push you deeper into the abyss next time. Wising is when you realize there is no base to this abyss. And the real scare is when you understand you could ALWAYS fall deeper. No situation is bad enough, that it cannot be made worse.
I'm sorry, were you looking for a guide to be happy? I don't have that. Happiness is the tiny fragments of time you have between your tears. And people say, tears are precious! I don't think so. Anyone who thinks that, has their priorities wrong.
Precious is your laughter, precious is your youth, precious is your ability to walk and talk while you can. Should you spend it contemplating the things that can go wrong? News Flash- they will anyway!
So grab your dancing shoes and go on...
Life is short. The silent periods between the storms are shorter.
Run like the wind!