The sun after the rain
This is how a rainy day started. People who had umbrellas were protected. The less lucky ones like me had to shell out for a new one (£5 for one, what a rip-off!).
Cold and misty and grey. My fingers were already numb from holding the umbrella.
Oh, but to carry- on in the damp! I kept rubbing my nose for warmth. It just got redder.
Not a good day for sight-seeing, don't you agree?
Each step felt so heavy and then there is this constant nagging feeling that water might seep into your shoes, like it does seep from your clothes to your thighs and arms.
My brain was screaming- "BLANKET! GIVE ME A BLANKET! LET ME SLEEP!!"
I wanted to bury myself in a bed in a cocoon of quilts. Even the lousiest of beds looks so inviting right now.
And the cringe I felt every time I had to touch metal- door handles, traffic stop buttons, deck and porch railings. YIKES!
With the heart beat drooping like the weather and each breath carrying a prayer for the sun, we search for any respite we can get. The Indian in us searches for a cup of tea!
Looks like the Gods are mellowing down.
The search for a tea- shop thankfully ends.
Quite eccentric, no?
Well, what could we do than wait out the weather...
Of course, with help from some tea and ginger- biscuits. Mmmmm... can you smell the cinnamon?
The itsy- bitsy shop has some surprises to offer (if only someone could translate):
Even if you don't understand a word, this is bound to at least conjure up a smile.
Once you are fed and watered, situations surprisingly improve. Well, the weather most certainly did-
Little by little, sunlight engulfed the city.
And people seemed a little more happy to be seen up and about.
The sunlight, in its wave of magic, sponged away all the rain drops; leaving the pavements as dry as ever.
Fauna was the first to inspect the change in atmosphere, Yes, the pelican (?) has permitted me to use the picture.
The flora sleepily joined the band-wagon.
Ahh,,, this looks more like it.
Soon, the whole city was flooded with light and warmth. The bliss!!
Go away clouds! We don't need you now.
Look, we have shadows!
You can see from the pictures, they are old. My memory might be faded, but I have the essence of the feeling of this day, just like this tree here...
And I will hold on to this memory.
*Closes eyes*
Photographs are so vivid,you made them more.
Perfect bliss.