Umm...Not Now

The timing is not the best.
I thought I'd said my goodbyes,
I thought I'd save my sighs.
Why are you here
With a twinkle in your tears?
Why do you want me to hope?
No, the timing is not the best.
I should be going now.
There's another city that hasn't hurt me.
In the absence of fights,
I grow dreary too.
I will see another sun.
I will see another moon.
I will have my tides,
And my typhoons.
You will have to wait,
Till my heart has healed.
You need to unburden,
All that you've concealed.
It isn't easy.
It is not supposed to be.
You will have to suffer through the trials too.
This is your test.
The timing is not the best.


Swati said…
"There's another city that hasn't hurt me." --tripping over it.