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Morality Askew

People often declare someone "goody two-shoes" and heavily mean it as an unveiled insult. Like, becoming one was the person's choice. All the stories we tell our children imply we would want them to be one. No one narrates tales of an opportunistic monster as an aspirational goal. Still as adults, we chide them for not utilizing the unfair favour of luck. This dissonance is heavy and later on becomes fodder for your therapist. Society will not accept it but it requires you to have a two-faced existence not much unlike itself. Ethics and morals, you will find, are only good on paper and with your public persona. Internally, how cowardly of you to not look out for your own interest! But keep it hush-hush. I keep floating around the world and observing. Maybe it becomes easier with time to become the villain you warn your kinfolk about. Although, I cannot help but wonder, what do you use to wash away your hands with after you've murdered your innocence? Guilt, like the d...

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