In the currents

Is it easier to stay in a state of dreamlessness? Or are we purposefully avoiding hope?

I know people who exist. I barely know people who live. If there is so much comfort in following the masses, why must we flicker in our nights of turmoil? People justify their inaction; that's the first clue to bullshitting. Because once you have gone through the motions of life, you know NO ONE is happy as they are.

They reserve their real self for the dark and the hidden places, usually someone's bedroom. It's always someone's bedroom. They also like to read about people who FIGHT the system, the mundane, but declare it's not for them because 'it's not as easy as it looks'.

Well, duh! You agree you are taking the easy, zero initial conflict path. But again, that path is like a credit card loan. You enjoy the first few days with the money, worry little about payback and as the months go by, the crushing compounded interest breaks your back. When you are sucked dry, you would offer the same wisdom to people you never had the courage to follow.

So many people in their naivety of youth proclaim absence of regret. Give it a few years. Once you run out of energy, you will realise, regret was never about what you did. It will always be about what you didn't do.


Manjul said…
It's an era of depression. Live-action towards conflict inflicts less conflicts but breaks u inside. Let's take one day at a time and hope that bad times pass soon...
Swati said…
I find this hierarchy between living and existing too shattering.